Mal3bi Manager helps you market and manage your stadiums through the Internet from anywhere just by using your iPhone or iPad.
You as a stadium owner, you can check your stadiums bookings from home, which mean checking your stadiums income without the need to move, only by one click, also its provide a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports about your stadiums bookings stauts, which mean "Stadiums Financial Status"
Mal3bi has many tools that helps you manage your stadiums information like images, aviabality times, managers, etc.. in addition to the stadiums bookings in the best way.
Mal3bi provides many payment options for you, like Dinarak, CashU, Fawateercom.
Players can see your stadium images, availability times, facilities and all other information by one click on their phones.
Be sure Mal3bi Manager will help you reach more and more players, with Mal3bi Manager there is no rest time.